Tuesday May 07, 2024

Episode 21: The one where I interview Dr. Amandeep Shergill

Welcome to another episode where we dive deep into the fascinating world of Interventional Endoscopy.

This time, I have the privilege of interviewing Dr. Amandeep K. Shergill, a renowned figure in the field of Gastroenterology. As the Chief of GI at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in San Francisco and a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Dr. Shergill has made significant contributions to the field of medicine and in this episode, we delve into her pioneering work on ergonomics in endoscopy. Dr. Shergill shares her insights on the importance of ergonomics in improving physician comfort, and overall avoidance of injury. She also discusses the challenges faced in this evolving field and her vision for the future of endoscopy.


Join us for this engaging conversation that promises to broadens your understanding of ergonomics whether you're an endoscopist (or an aspiring one), a medical student, or just someone interested in the progress of medical science. Make sure to tune in and discover the trailblazing work of Dr. Shergill, a true innovator changing the face of endoscopy.


For more resources about ergonomics in endoscopy please refer to these links:

  1. https://www.asge.org/docs/default-source/guidelines/asge-guideline-on-the-role-of-ergonomics-summary.pdf?sfvrsn=702fe5c_1
  2. https://www.asge.org/home/resources/publications/practical-solutions/practical-solutions-october-ergonomics-for-endoscopy-team
  3. https://www.giejournal.org/action/showPdf?pii=S0016-5107%2823%2902578-6

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